Team Project
The project Langage et Musique, la Parole et le Human Beatbox: Enjeux pour la linguistique générale et appliquée originally emerged as a project for a full-time PhD. The leading team of the project is from the Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie & the Voice, Speech and Deglutition Unit of Hôpital Foch.
Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie & Hôpital Foch
The team works with professional Beatboxers who won national or international Championships.
CHRU Nancy
We started a collaboration with the University of Lorraine and with the University Hospital of Nancy. Together we worked on MRI acquistion on Human Beatboxing.

Many thanks to Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS & Labex EFL for financial and scientific support.

I would also show my appreciation to the Délégation à la Recherche Clinique et à l’Innovation (Hôpital Foch) for the administrative, technical and financial support and for allowing this project to obtain the approuval of the Comité de Protection des Personnes – Île de France IV (ID-RCB : 2020-A00246-33)
I also thank on one hand CHRU Nancy, Université de Lorraine and on the other hand Centre d’Investigation Clinique – Innovation Technologique de Nancy, Imagerie Adaptative Diagnostique et Interventionnelles directed by Jacques Felblinger
I also would like to thank Pierre André Vuissoz for acquiring the MRI1,2 data within the Ethical protocol “METHODO” ( Identifier: NCT02887053, Principal Investigator : Jacques Jacques Felblinger).
Research supported by the project ArtSpeech of ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche), France, CPER “IT2MP”, “LCHN” and FEDER.
1. Uecker, M., Hohage, T., Block, K. T. & Frahm, J. Image reconstruction by regularized nonlinear inversion—joint estimation of coil sensitivities and image content. Magn. Reson. Med. 60, 674–682 (2008).
2. Uecker, M. et al. Real-time MRI at a resolution of 20 ms. NMR Biomed. 23, 986–994 (2010)